Alain Zakeossian - Certified Rolfer™

Alain is a Certified Rolfer™ from the European Rolfing®️ Association in Munich and The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in the US. Alain specialises in structural integration, postural alignment, fascial release, chronic tensions caused by fascial strains and deviations from structural balance and injury prevention.

Rolfing Structural Integration is a therapeutic bodywork which aims at improving posture and movement by re-balancing the body’s connective tissues called fascia. When a body is aligned and balanced it moves with greater ease and requires less energy to function.

Alain is a calm, relaxed and considerate therapist who possesses the knowledge, sensitivity and skills necessary to respond to the needs of each individual.

He is also a certified teacher of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, a dynamic form of yoga which requires safe alignment and movement. He is particularly focused on safe and comfortable postures, fluidity of movement and easy breathing.


Certified Rolfer from the European Rolfing®️ Association

Certified teacher of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Alain Zakeossian - Certified Rolfer™SPECIALIST AREAS: • Rolfing® Structural Integration • Fascia Release • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga • Postural alignment

Alain Zakeossian - Certified Rolfer™

• Rolfing® Structural Integration
• Fascia Release
• Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
• Postural alignment